Post 2

When i was a child i never thought to much about what i wanted to be when i grew up, i remember that night sky caught my attention a lot, and at some point i wanted to be an astronomer to understand what was happening out there in space, but over time, music became something more everyday, at 12 i started playing electric guitar , and at age of 14 i formed my first band with friends, as well as i started playing classical guitar, taking my first classes, wich i later left because i though that to be a musician you didn´t need to study... wich was very naive and immature on my part.

when i was 16 or 17 years old i wanted to study a career that was strong in the area of physics, basically because i am a nerd,  that´s why i decided to study mechanical engineering. and in middle of my career i realized that half of my time was spent listening and playing music, so i decided to take a step forward and study this discilpine more seriously, so i also went to study musical performance with mention in classical guitar.

My experience at university studyng classical guitar has been comforting, because i was able to enter to a very good cathedra with a very good professor , so i have met very dedicated guitarrist and i have managed to understand music from other edges.

Today i dont know if i wanna be musician or engineer. but when I finish my degree I hope to be able to do a Master in Europe.

Now i am a physics teacher, and i like it a lot, also i play a lot of guitar... i think this is fine for me.


  1. hi daniel! you play another instrument? and you have a band? tell me!
    have a nice week!


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