
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2021


  Don Shirley was a pianist and composer from the United States who was born in 1927 and died in 2013, he began his piano studies at 2 or 3 years old, and was the first black person to enter the conservatory of the Catholic University of America, he also had a doctorate in psychology. The truth is that I have liked it since a couple of years ago, since I saw a movie about him, called "Green book" and to be honest I am not a big fan of jazz music but I'm a fan of classical music, since that's what I'm currently studying, and this character draws my attention a lot because of the music he played and composed, it was an hybrid between classical music and jazz. The reason of the mixtures of styles is because he had a conservatory training, but in those times black people were not allowed to play classical music, This is why his record label recommended him to compose music with African American roots.  his most important work is the "orpheus in the underworld&quo


  There are many series, movies and documentaries that I liked and have obsessed throughout my life, but I would like to write about the last one that has caused me a little obsession. The name of the series is "The Midnight gospel" and it was launched by Netflix very recently and the creator of this animation is the same creator of "Adventure time".  One of the things that most caught my attention is the format of the serie, because it's about a character named Clancy who makes online transmissions about interviews that he does to people from other dimensions who are in an apocalyptic environment (sounds really weird), the interesting thing about The midnight gospel is that while the interview is going on, controversial issues and taboos are touched on, such as drugs, death and the little relationship we have with her in these modern times, childhood trauma, alchemy, meditation, states of consciousness,  etc.  .. The most entertaining is that while the intervie


 Hello, today I will talk about a vacation that I had a long time ago, when I was finishing school. That summer my cousin and i went to visit the south of Chile, it was a very interesting trip, because we went with very little money since I was 17 or 18 years old, we left in Santiago and we managed to get to Valdivia. Back then I would have liked to go further, but now thinking about it, at 17 years old and with almost no money, it was an achievement that I remember fondly to this day. At the beginning we decided to take a bus to Talca and tour the "cordillera de los andes" so we spent like one week in these sector, but then, from there we realized that if we wanted to spend more time traveling to the south, we should save the bus tickets, and we began to ask the truckers for rides , we discovered that some of them are very good people and also very drug addicts.  The truckers were leaving us in small towns and they gave us information about where we could see and know beauti

Post 1 : A country you would like to visit

  Hello, today I'm going to talk about a country that I would like to visit. I have always felt a fascination for traveling and lately I have fantasized about knowing the cold countries of Europe, I mean the countries of northern Europe, among all those I have found out, Norway has caught my attention, but not for a cultural issue, but rather because of the landscapes I have been able to appreciate on the internet. Norway is known to have many ancient towns, rich in architecture, beautiful mountains, rivers, ancient forests and gigantic lakes There are medieval wooden churches called "stavkirke" that are more than 800 years old, formerly these were all over Europe, but today those that survive are almost all confined in Norway, it is a very particular style of architecture, which i would love to know. That is the reason why I would like to travel as a tourist, because to continue my studies, I have thought about other countries that have a richer classical music tradition