Faust Lately I have read very few books, because I am focused on other things, and because I usually read on trips to university. Since we don't travel by bus now, I don't read much. In those extensive trips to the university I was reading a book by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe called Faust, at first I bought it because I wanted to learn German and that book had the original writing with the Spanish translation, then I understood that the German of 1800 is very different from the one spoken today hahaha, but it helped me to learn some words. Faust is a very entertaining and at the same time very philosophical novel, this is because goethe was a writer, poet, playwright and scientist, in an era when science was still considered a philosophy. Faust was a wise man, he was the God's preferred human. Faust manages to capture Mephistopheles, the devil. This wise man who had achieved a great knowledge in the sciences was desperate to have other knowledge about life itself, so Mephis...