
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2020


Faust Lately I have read very few books, because I am focused on other things, and because I usually read on trips to university. Since we don't travel by bus now, I don't read much. In those extensive trips to the university I was reading a book by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe called Faust, at first I bought it because I wanted to learn German and that book had the original writing with the Spanish translation, then I understood that the German of 1800 is very different from the one spoken today hahaha, but it helped me to learn some words. Faust is a very entertaining and at the same time very philosophical novel, this is because goethe was a writer, poet, playwright and scientist, in an era when science was still considered a philosophy. Faust was a wise man, he was the God's preferred human. Faust manages to capture Mephistopheles, the devil. This wise man who had achieved a great knowledge in the sciences was desperate to have other knowledge about life itself, so Mephis


This semester has been very complicated because we are having online classes, so many subjects could not be carried out optimally, under these conditions the subject that has been most useful to me is music and management, of course there are other important fields in the career, such as analysis or counterpoint, or the same subject of main instrument, but particularly music and management has shown me a part of music that musicians do not think to much about, we spent many hours sitting with the instrument practicing and seeing our scores, but we do not spend the same time developing an artistic career, and thinking  how to make a space in the art world, personally everything I have done in this field has been intuitively and due to the need to generate money in a determined instance, without rationalizing much the importance of the image, the target audience, short-term goals, recording videos, generate spaces to show our art , knowing the medium in which we should move and the impor


I have never made a bucket list in long terms. This last time I have made lists of things to do but in short periods of time, like ... things I must do today: prepare classes, study, send emails, do some work, cook, etc ... I have always had in mind things that I have wanted to do and that I am sure I will do (or at least try), for example, obtain a master's degree in musical performance in Europe, learn other languages, and travel more than I have already done. I would like to be able to do this with my girlfriend, we support each other and she loves foreing languages so traveling for her would be a pleasure and an oportunity to learn, I have also made friends who can receive me in some countries. Of these things that I have always had in mind to achieve, I have already achieved some, such as recording albums, touring Europe (playing music), but all in the field of popular music, so I would very much like to achieve development and my goals in the context of classical mu